Bose Sleepbuds II

Bose Sleepbuds II
alaScore 88

8 Tests

Jun 2024

alaTest hat 8 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Bose Sleepbuds II zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.0/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.0/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie Kopfhörer. Das Design und die Portabilität wird von den Testern positiv bewertet, aber sie finden das Preisleistungsverhältnis nicht überzeugend. Über die Zuverlässigkeit sind die Meinungen gemischt.

Bedienbarkeit, Design, Verarbeitungsqualität, Portabilität

Preisleistungsverhältnis, Größe

Wir haben sowohl Nutzer- als auch Expertenbewertungen, Produktalter und weitere Faktoren ausgewertet. Im Vergleich zu anderen Produkte in der Kategorie Kopfhörer erzielt Bose Sleepbuds II einen alaScore™ von 88/100 = Sehr gut.


(Basierend auf 8 Bewertungen)


7 Bewertung(en)

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Zeige 1 - 7 von 7 Testberichte anzeigen: aus Deutschland | in anderen Sprachen

Expertenbewertung von : Lee Bell (

Bose Sleepbuds II review


Succeeding where the original model failed, Bose's latest noise-masking sleepbuds fetch a host of welcome improvements for problem sleepers

Extremely comfortable Great build quality Masks external noises very well

Expensive Not for everyone Limited number of sounds

In a bid to make up for the mistakes the original Sleepbuds made, Bose’s latest sleep-masking earbuds bring plenty of improvements, such as a much better, comfier fit, increased battery life and a better range of sounds to help you drift off. The...

Jan 2021

Expertenbewertung von : Barbara Krasnoff (

Bose Sleepbuds II review: get your eight hours


The Bose Sleepbuds II are a pair of small — very small — earbuds that were built specifically to try to help you sleep using a combination of sounds and music. They are a follow-up to the rather disastrous introduction of the first-gen pair, which...

Comfortable to wear Masks a good range of external noises Variety of sounds to use Can improve sleep patterns

Expensive for a single-use product Isn’t effective for all external noises Usefulness depends on individual environment and circumstances

Judging from my experience and what I’ve read about the first set of Sleepbuds, these are definitely an improvement over their predecessors. (There was at least one report of the new model burning and discoloring, but the defective unit was apparently...

Dez 2020

Expertenbewertung von : Lewis Painter (

Bose SleepBuds II Review


The Bose SleepBuds II fix the battery life issues prevalent with the first-gen buds, but they're still not the perfect sleep companion.

Jan 2021

Expertenbewertung von : Alex Hernandez (

Bose Sleepbuds II review: Worth the price for a better night of sleep


Sleep is a very important part of living and when you're not sleeping well it can affect your life, the Bose Sleepbuds II are here to help.

Nicely designed ; Comfortable and small ; Easy to use and operate ; These really helped my son fall asleep and stay asleep longer than ever has ; Simple app and easy to use ; Price is worth what you get ; We got about 3.5 nights of use with charging...

I do wish battery lasted longer but for their size, it's really a small gripe

The Bose Sleepbuds II has the following features and specifications: The Bose Sleepbuds II aren’t a guarantee. They may or may not work. They may work great or just okay. These are the risks you’ll have to weigh when considering the purchase of these...

Nov 2020

Expertenbewertung von : Victoria Song (

Bless These Sleepbuds for Drowning Out My Snoring Husband


These white noise earbuds are a high-tech way to tune out your loved ones and fall asleep.

Well-designed. Battery is more reliable than first-gen version. Solid connectivity. Expanded sound library. Helped me get an uninterrupted night's sleep.

Too expensive. Can't play your own music or podcasts. Phone-free mode disables alarms. You have to be very intentional with how you use them.

Apr 2021

Expertenbewertung von : Anders Lundberg (

Bose presenterar Sleepbuds 2 – ska få oss att sova ännu bättre


Mindre, lättare och bättre på att stänga ute störande ljud. Nya Bose Sleepbuds 2 är dessutom kliniskt testade.

Sep 2020

Expertenbewertung von : CHIP Online (

Bose Sleepbuds II incelemesi Bose Sleepbuds II İnceleme


Uyuyamıyor musunuz? Günün stresi. Horlama sesi. Gürültülü komşular. O gün aldığınız kötü bir haber. Uyumanızı engelleyecek çok şey olabilir. Bu videomuzda size bunun çaresini açıklıyoruz!

Son derece rahat ; Harika malzeme kalitesi ; Dış sesleri iyi şekilde maskeleyebiliyor ; Uyku düzenini iyileştirebilir ; Geniş ses yelpazesi ; Pratik kullanım

Fiyat ; Aktarım süresi

Mär 2021

Preisvergleich für Bose Sleepbuds II

No prices for this product

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