HP MV9500 MONITOR (Compaq-261612002)

HP MV9500 MONITOR (Compaq-261612002)
alaScore -1

2 Tests

Jun 2024

Wir haben 2 Testberichte aus internationalen Quellen analysiert. Das durchschnittliche Testberichtdatum ist der 19.05.2002. Wir haben diese Testberichte mit 409223 Testberichten über Monitore verglichen. Letztes Update: 18.06.2024.


(Basierend auf 2 Bewertungen)

2 Testberichte


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Expertenbewertung von (pcworld.com)

HP MV9500 MONITOR (Compaq-261612002)

Mai 2002

Expertenbewertung von (pcworld.com)

MV9500 Monitor


WHAT'S HOT: Text on the MV9500 looked sharp. In our tests, jurors doled out high marks for the MV9500's rendering of a screen with multisize fonts. The MV9500 also handled graphics well; colors in photos looked handsome and bright, without oversaturation.

Three buttons on the front of the bezel allow you to access and manage the on-screen display, which identifies individual controls with icons. For explanation of each icon, you must refer to the manual, stored on a CD-ROM. The on-screen menu display...

Mai 2002

Preisvergleich für HP MV9500 MONITOR (Compaq-261612002)

No prices for this product

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