Apple Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro
alaScore -1

2 Tests

Jun 2024

Wir haben 2 Testberichte aus internationalen Quellen analysiert. Das durchschnittliche Testberichtdatum ist der 06.06.2023. Wir haben diese Testberichte mit 6726 Testberichten über VR Headsets verglichen. Letztes Update: 17.06.2024.


(Basierend auf 2 Bewertungen)

2 Testberichte


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Expertenbewertung von : Lance Ulanoff (

Hands on: Apple Vision Pro: I just wore the future


This is what it's like to wear and use Apple Vision Pro, the new AR/VR spatial computing headset

Relatively comfortable ; Fantastic visual experience ; Intuitive interface ; Spatial video is wild

External battery ; Price

30 minutes with Apple's new spatial Reality Platform was all it took to convince me it's the real future of virtual and augmented reality. Even if it will cost an arm and a leg.

Jun 2023

Expertenbewertung von (

Apple Vision Pro hands-on: A mixed reality breakthrough


The Apple Vision Pro has the potential to revolutionize VR and AR with its lightweight design, sheer power and lack of controllers, but it's priced out of reach for most.

Nevertheless, the Vision Pro feels like a breakthrough for spatial computing and augmented reality, and I can't wait to test the final version.

Jun 2023

Preisvergleich für Apple Vision Pro

No prices for this product

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