HTC Vive Pro Eye

HTC Vive Pro Eye
alaScore 89

7 Tests

Jun 2024

alaTest hat 7 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für HTC Vive Pro Eye zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.2/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.4/5 für andere Produkte. Viele Tester loben das Design.


Preisleistungsverhältnis, Bedienbarkeit

Wir haben sowohl Nutzer- als auch Expertenbewertungen, Produktalter und weitere Faktoren ausgewertet. Im Vergleich zu anderen Produkte erzielt HTC Vive Pro Eye einen alaScore™ von 89/100 = Sehr gut.


(Basierend auf 7 Bewertungen)


7 Bewertung(en)

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Zeige 1 - 7 von 7 Testberichte anzeigen: aus Deutschland | in anderen Sprachen

Expertenbewertung von : Felicia Miranda (

HTC Vive Pro Eye hands-on review


Little detail was given about the Vive Pro Eye during the HTC Vive press conference at CES 2019, but with the announcement of integrated eye tracking, plenty can be said about the potential of the headset. Hands-free VR, less demanding high-quality...

You can experience VR without controllers ; Realistic visuals may require less hardware ; Could support more intuitive controls

Feels geared for commercial use ; Most benefits depend on better software

Jan 2019

Expertenbewertung von (

HTC Vive Pro review: The best VR experience you can get


It's still expensive and complicated to set up, but never has full virtual reality immersion looked so good

The best quality VR experience money can buy ; Great array of games and experiences to enjoy ; Comfortable and ergonomic headset

Incredibly expensive ; Powerful PC required to run ; Wireless VR comes at yet another cost

Apr 2018

Expertenbewertung von (

HTC Vive review: is this brilliant but flawed and demanding product the Betamax of first-gen VR?


It's expensive, bulky, hard to set up… But still so easy to love

Brilliantly immersive ; Can be worn at length ; Plenty of good games

Neither cheap nor simple ; Inevitably bulky & cumbersome ; Very few great games

Expertenbewertung von : Dan Grabham (

HTC Vive Pro Eye initial review: The future of VR is controller-free


Vive Pro Eye points the way to an exciting future for VR – namely where the computer or headset can understand what you're looking at and react

It's the future of VR ; Plenty of gaming potential ; Wireless in future

Pro use for now ; Likely to be expensive

Vive Pro Eye points the way to an exciting future for VR – namely where the computer or headset can understand what you’re looking at and react accordingly.

Jan 2019

Expertenbewertung von : David Wise Austin Palmer Learn more change compari (

HTC Vive Pro Review


While the HTC Vive Pro is undeniably a fantastic VR headset, earning one of the top scores we have seen so far, it is a little difficult to recommend over...

While the is one of the best you can get, its exceptionally high price makes us very reticent to recommend, as you can spend hundreds of dollars less and get almost the identical virtual reality experience.

Mär 2019

Expertenbewertung von : Paolo Centofanti (

HTC Vive in prova: la magia di sognare a occhi aperti


La realtà virtuale è qui e niente sarà più come prima, nel gaming, nell'entertainment e in molti altri settori. Una tecnologia rivoluzionaria perfettamente interpretata da HTC e Valve, ma che per essere compresa va provata di persona. Come abbiamo...

Jun 2016

Expertenbewertung von (

HTC Vive Pro


Suveränt virtuellt headset. Priset är högt. Foto­möjligheter saknas.

Dessutom krävs en kraftfull dator. Det är med andra ord långt ifrån billigt.

Aug 2018

Preisvergleich für HTC Vive Pro Eye

No prices for this product

Top 5 VR Headsets