Samsung BT621VDFB

Samsung BT621VDFB
alaAverage 4

27 Tests

Jun 2024

alaTest hat 27 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Samsung BT621VDFB zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.0/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.3/5 für andere Produkte.

Im Durchschnitt haben Anwender dieses Produkt mit 79/100 bewertet.


(Basierend auf 27 Bewertungen)



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Kundenmeinung ( review summary for Samsung BT621VDFB


alaTest has collected and analyzed 1 user review of Samsung BT621VDFB from The average user rating for this product is 3.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.4/5 for other products in the same category on

100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Jun 2024

Kundenmeinung (

Samsung BT621VDFB


Blew up soon after purchase, repaired under warranty, engineer said common fault. Blew up yesterday, 1 month out of warranty but same fault as last time. Very unhelpful techincal adviser, refused to allow me to talk to a manager. I will not be buying...

Dez 2014

Kundenmeinung (

Samsung BT621VDFB


The dual oven capability is a superb touch. Heats up uber quickly too !

Took me a little while to work out the controls but I guess thats what you get for not reading the instructions.....its a bloke thing

Aug 2014

Kundenmeinung (

Samsung BT621VDFB


The split oven feature is brilliant. Very fast pre-heating as well.

The instruction manual is a bit poor. After a bit of guess work it's fine though; works really well.

Jul 2014

Kundenmeinung (

Samsung BT621VDFB


The dual oven capability is a superb touch. Heats up uber quickly too

Took me a little while to work out the controls but I guess thats what you get for not reading the instructions.....its a bloke thing

Jul 2014

Kundenmeinung (

Samsung BT621VDFB


The split oven feature is brilliant. Very fast pre-heating as well

The instruction manual is a bit poor. After a bit of guess work it's fine though; works really well

Jun 2014

Kundenmeinung (

Samsung BT621VDFB


Looks good and is well made. Many functions and cooking methods.

Too complicated, especially if you try to use the Samsung instructions. Slow to reach desired temperatures and you need to cook for longer times to get good results. Auto oven clean does not seem to work - especially if you grill a lot, as we do. I...

Mai 2014

Kundenmeinung (

Samsung BT621VDFB


Split oven flexibility via one door rather than two is marvellous. Looks great. Easy to use.

Temperatures are not fully achieved until 30 minutes have elapsed after setting. Don't be fooled by audible sound and red indicator light going off after about five minutes.. Would be better if bottom sliding shelf was closer to the bottom especially...

Apr 2014

Kundenmeinung (

Samsung BT621VDFB


Split oven flexibility via one door rather than two is marvellous ; Looks great ; Easy to use

Temperatures are not fully achieved until 30 minutes have elapsed after setting. Don't be fooled by audible sound and red indicator light going off after about five minutes ; Would be better if bottom sliding shelf was closer to the bottom especially...

Mär 2014

Kundenmeinung (

Samsung BT621VDFB


The dual oven feature is killer...can't understand why all ovens don't have it, it is sooo useful. From day one cooking fish and chips: fish almost done, chips needed blasting; not a problem, just slip in the divider and wack up the heat on one half...

I'm not 100% confident that the signal it gives off to say that it has reached temperature is accurate...need to test this more thoroughly, but other reviews suggest this could be the case. Condensation does form on cool half if you are only using one...

Mär 2014

Kundenmeinung (

Samsung BT621VDFB


Looks good and is well made. Many functions and cooking methods

Too complicated, especially if you try to use the Samsung instructions. Slow to reach desired temperatures and you need to cook for longer times to get good results. Auto oven clean does not seem to work - especially if you grill a lot, as we do. I...

Feb 2014

Preisvergleich für Samsung BT621VDFB

No prices for this product