alaScore 84

146 Tests

Jun 2024

alaTest hat 146 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für YAMAHA YST-SW315 zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.7/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.3/5 für andere Produkte. Am positivsten ist den Testern das Design und das Preisleistungsverhältnis aufgefallen. Die Zuverlässigkeit wird ebenfalls positiv bewertet.

Preisleistungsverhältnis, Bedienbarkeit, Design, Größe, Zuverlässigkeit

Wir haben sowohl Nutzer- als auch Expertenbewertungen, Produktalter und weitere Faktoren ausgewertet. Im Vergleich zu anderen Produkte erzielt YAMAHA YST-SW315 einen alaScore™ von 84/100 = Sehr gut.


(Basierend auf 146 Bewertungen)


146 Bewertung(en)

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Kundenmeinung (amazon.com)

Amazon.com review summary for YAMAHA YST-SW315


alaTest has collected and analyzed 105 user reviews of YAMAHA YST-SW315 from Amazon.com. The average user rating for this product is 4.7/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.2/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.com. People are impressed by the reliability and size. The design and usability are also mentioned favorably.

price, usability, design, size, reliability

98% of the reviews on Amazon.com give this product a positive rating.

Jun 2024

Kundenmeinung (amazon.ca)

Amazon.ca review summary for YAMAHA YST-SW315


alaTest has collected and analyzed 1 user review of YAMAHA YST-SW315 from Amazon.ca. The average user rating for this product is 5.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.4/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.ca.

100% of the reviews on Amazon.ca give this product a positive rating.

Jun 2024

Kundenmeinung (newegg.com)

2 Years/ light use/ burnt smell


My amp is only a 500watt 5.1 channel and it was hooked up to the unpowered sub-out so there's zero chance I ran too much current to it. Also I have never turned this sub up beyond 50% the whole time I've owned it, so it's not "worn out". I'm pretty...

Got on sale for 199$ from the Egg and immediately made my theater sound great (although a little tweaking with freq cutoff dial and volume dial is needed to balance the base and get rid of distortion.)

Last week (2 years and 1 month after buying) I was admittedly showing off my sound system a bit and turned up the volume (on the sub not my amp) and played some heavy bass. About 5 minutes in I caught a whiff of ozone or "magic smoke" and traced it...

Jan 2012

Kundenmeinung (newegg.com)



This subwoofer sounds awesome. They are much more powerful than my previous Velodyne sub. This thing can rock my house


Jan 2011

Kundenmeinung (dell.com)



my first one, and it sounds awesome!

Dez 2010

Kundenmeinung (newegg.com)

Good sub with affordable price tag


I tried to connect it to the Onkyo receiver using Left & Right audio RCA cable but it did not work. Finally got the sub working using a Mono (single) cable connected the Left input 2 to pre amp( subwoofer) connection of my receiver. So it is really...

Loud, pretty deep, and warm bass. The size is just right and looks very nice. I have a small room and this sub rattle my ac panel at approximate 60% power

poorly packaged, could use a double shipping box instead of just the original box from yamaha. The sub was not damaged but the protective foam surround it was shattered to pieces which scared the bejesus out of me. Thank Godd the sub survived the...

Nov 2010

Kundenmeinung (dell.com)

Excellent sub for a relatively low price


This is an excellent sub for it's price. It could have been even higher priced and I would still say it is an excellent sub. I have a YST-SW45 (8" sub at around 70 watts max I think) and it would make the windows in the house rattle (in a bad way),...

Nov 2010

Kundenmeinung (newegg.com)

So much sound


Overall, for the power draw, size, and price, I was absolutely shocked it put out that much bass. This thing shakes the walls, the dishes in the kitchen some 30 feet away, and apparently my neighbor's last nerve.

Clean enclosure, low frequency responsiveness compared to others in price range, Yamaha Brand, WATTS AND WATTS of Sound, without drawing that manny WATTS (haha?)

Down firing makes this a horrible application for second story apartment residents. I bought this before my move onto a floor level residence and the people downstairs are furious with this new speaker. It turns their room into a resonating sound box...

Aug 2010

Kundenmeinung (dell.com)

Excellent mid priced sub


Bought this sub to compliment new Yamaha 777 fronts and 444 center. Sound is great and it provides ample controls to tune according to your taste. Yes, it will thump my home theater with some deep base.

Jul 2010

Kundenmeinung (newegg.com)



Outputs very clean, powerful bass. Especially when paired with a competent receiver

Heavy! Dust collects in the tube. Air gets blown in your face if you're sitting level with it

Jul 2010

Kundenmeinung (newegg.com)

Great sound


I am so glad i bought this.

Excellent sound quality and price value

It can rattle your roommate's walls easily

Mai 2010

Kundenmeinung (newegg.com)

This thing is BANANAS!


I'm not a audiophile, but I do care a little about my home system. I had an entry level Kenwood receiver setup that turned 10 years old, and it was time for an update. I purchased the YAMAHA RX-V565 receiver and updated my sub to the SW315 ; I use the...

The auto on/off isn't very effective. I just leave the sub on, problem solved

Mai 2010

Preisvergleich für YAMAHA YST-SW315

No prices for this product

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