Apple MacBook 1.83 GHz / 2.0 GHz

Apple MacBook 1.83 GHz / 2.0 GHz
alaScore 75

15 Tests

Sep 2024

alaTest hat 15 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Apple MacBook 1.83 GHz / 2.0 GHz zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.4/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.0/5 für andere Produkte.

Wir haben sowohl Nutzer- als auch Expertenbewertungen, Produktalter und weitere Faktoren ausgewertet. Im Vergleich zu anderen Produkte erzielt Apple MacBook 1.83 GHz / 2.0 GHz einen alaScore™ von 75/100 = Gut.

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(Basierend auf 15 Bewertungen)



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Kundenmeinung (



I like it very much. Mac is very good. I don't like that it has glosy screen. It't way too expencive. Anything else is perfect. just luv it

I like the Mac enviroment Webcam Multitouch trackpad

No fingerprint reader Only white color

Jan 2010

Kundenmeinung (



Great machine ( 2 in 1). Very convenient size. !3 inch screen. Runs everything I need with ease. It synchronizes contacts and calendar with my Nokia, has blue tooth, and connection to wireless internet couldn't be easier with inbuilt Airport. Macs...

My MacBook is just great. The fact that it runs WindowsXP via Parrallels or Bootcamp is fantastic as it literally is 2 computer systems in one. I have a few programs that run only on a PC so being able to run them on this machine is fantastic.

Nothing to speak of. My kids have one each and they have had their hard drives crash which is not good, I keep my machine raised at the back to let more air flow under it as it gets very hot. Perhaps this is a problem with these machines????

Sep 2008

Kundenmeinung (



Apple does a great job with the MacBook and from the first impressions of opening the package to connecting and firing up your MacBook, you will be impressed. I have found their products, software and support to be first class.

Stylish, compact, excellent quality and great user interface. Has that 'wow' factor that makes it stand out.

Battery could last longer but with a realistic use time of about 1 to 1.5 hours, it is about the same as others.

Aug 2008

Kundenmeinung (



A Mac laptop is an investment you wont' regret making. The Macbook is a sensational computer that ticks all the boxes. It suits most consumers and students and you will never have any major issues with the operating system (unlike Windows). You can do...

Design, operating system, value for money, user interface

Graphics card shares the processor

Jul 2008

Kundenmeinung (



i love everything about the macbook, and the entire mac range. when i travel overseas, i can talk to my family on skype using the inbuilt webcam. it is remarkable clear, and a fantastic feature of this product.

looks fantastic, all ready to go straight out of the box, things rarely go wrong with it, and when it does, mac has very supporting customer service who will often fix it for you for free even if product is out of warranty! my macbook is amazing, iv...

some of the internet websites require windows xp to view slideshows etc. but i guess its only a matter of time before the rest of the world catches up to this new advanced technology!

Mai 2008

Kundenmeinung (



This is my first Mac and I have never used a computer where everything works straight away. The OS is easy to adopt for a Windows user and all the preinstalled software from iLife works amazingly. Mac make flawless products that integrate beautifully...

Design is superb, battery life astounding, intuitive OS, laptop comes with everything already in it like wireless and camera.

There is nothing I dislike about this machine.

Apr 2008

Kundenmeinung (



If you haven't owned a mac before then don't expect a PC unless you are going to install parallels or boot camp. As my second mac I couldn't be happier with this machine. The core 2 duo is crazy fast I never use it to its potential apart from playing...

Battery lasts 4+hrs, great screen, super fast, light, reliable, great OS

Apr 2008

Kundenmeinung (



this notebook is one of the greatest notebooks out in technology today. running windows vista this is an unbeatable peace of hardware.

i like that it's a good computer with astounding features.this product is sure to beat all the rest of laptop brands. wonderful design

there is nothing that i dont like about this product

Mär 2008

Kundenmeinung (



it is good for office or business users but it is not good for users who download many stuff so it is for average users

Great design and I like the speed (1.83 core2 Due) which is really good and fast

Small hard drive size. 60 gb is not enough for modern use and the warranty is not on all parts

Feb 2008

Kundenmeinung (



apple launch new notebook this is apple macbook core 2 duo 1.88 GHz. this is faster macbook for you.

i like the design and features of this macbook. It's so elegant and bright.

this product still using 60 GB hard drive,i think it's not enough for multi os.

Nov 2007

Preisvergleich für Apple MacBook 1.83 GHz / 2.0 GHz

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