Russell Hobbs 18210

Russell Hobbs 18210
alaAverage 3.4

11 Tests

Jun 2024

alaTest hat 11 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Russell Hobbs 18210 zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 3.4/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.1/5 für andere Produkte.

Im Durchschnitt haben Anwender dieses Produkt mit 67/100 bewertet.


(Basierend auf 11 Bewertungen)



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Zeige 1 - 10 von 11 Testberichte anzeigen: aus Deutschland | in anderen Sprachen

Kundenmeinung (

Russell Hobbs Texas 18210


Looks fantastic

Can't make a decent slice of toast. One side of toast is either not cooked or is burnt no matter what settings I use or where I put the bread. It was months after I bought it that I finally used it. I was in a rush to use up some Tesco vouchers in one...

Mär 2012

Kundenmeinung (

Russell Hobbs Texas 18210


It does what a toaster should do - toast!

The chrome front shows finger prints and is not easy to keep cleam.

Mär 2012

Kundenmeinung (

Russell Hobbs Texas 18210


Looks great, simple to use, lots of settings

Not really a negative just advice - you only need a low setting number i.e. about 2 or 3. Anymore & bread can be overdone.

Jan 2012

Kundenmeinung (

Russell Hobbs Texas 18210


Only negative is that if you have the longer bread you need to squeeze it in sideways to ensure overall toasting otherwise the bread would just stick out the top of the toaster.

Nov 2011

Kundenmeinung (

Russell Hobbs Texas 18210


Reviewer left no comment

Only negative is that if you have the longer bread you need to squeeze it in sideways to ensure overall toasting otherwise the bread would just stick out the top of the toaster

Nov 2011

Kundenmeinung (

Russell Hobbs Texas 18210


It makes toast

It can't do the ironing

Aug 2011

Kundenmeinung (

Russell Hobbs Texas 18210


Looks good easy to load good results

levers and dials feel a little "tinny@ hope they will last

Mai 2011

Kundenmeinung (

Russell Hobbs Texas 18210


Looks good

Uneven toasting of slices. Variable width settings would further improve product.

Feb 2011

Kundenmeinung (

Russell Hobbs Texas 18210


style very nice

both sides not even

Jan 2011

Kundenmeinung (

Russell Hobbs Texas 18210


Looks stylish. The level of browning of the toast is easily adjusted

Does not always evenly toast.

Nov 2010

Preisvergleich für Russell Hobbs 18210

No prices for this product