Weber Chimney BBQ Starter

Weber Chimney BBQ Starter
alaAverage 5

14 Tests

Jun 2024

alaTest hat 14 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Weber Chimney BBQ Starter zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 5.0/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.3/5 für andere Produkte.

Im Durchschnitt haben Anwender dieses Produkt mit 99/100 bewertet.


(Basierend auf 14 Bewertungen)



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Zeige 1 - 10 von 14 Testberichte anzeigen: aus Deutschland | in anderen Sprachen

Kundenmeinung (

BBQ started in seconds


Very efficient. Start your BBQ very quickly (15/20 minutes) without effort. Just use newspaper and one match and the charcaol became perfect amber.

Dez 2010

Kundenmeinung (

superb buy


This product is fab. I have as many BBQ's as i can, and have always struggled to get briquets to light, even with lighting fluids,, but this does the job absolutely terrific. It does EXACTLY what it says on the in. Put half dozen balls of paper...

Sep 2010

Kundenmeinung (

Excellent purchase!


This is a must have accessory and has made my excellent Weber Kettle so easy and convenient to use. The Chimney lights with just a couple of scrunched up pieces of newspapers and within 20 mins the coals are ready to use.

Aug 2010

Kundenmeinung (

don't bother with cheaper alternatives, buy this


Works very well, much better than cheaper alternatives and no need for gels or lighting fluids

Aug 2010

Kundenmeinung (

How did I manage before!


If you ever suffer from BBQ ignition problems there is an answer, the chimney starter! I read the reviews about this bit of kit before I bought and there all true, it does work! I can now light my chacoal in the chimney and know that in 15 mins it will...

Aug 2010

Kundenmeinung (

fantastic buy


it is the cleanest , most efficiant and quickest way to start a B B Q , cant recomend this product highly enough .

Jul 2010

Kundenmeinung (

Weber Chimney Starter


The best piece of kit I've ever bought when it comes to barbecuing. It works so well at getting the charcoal to optimum cooking state, helps you plan out the event better as the chimney gets the BBQ going very quickly. It also uses newspaper or waste...

Jul 2010

Kundenmeinung (

A Must for BBQ's


This is the second one we have bought. Our first one lasted almost 8 years and would have lasted longer if we hadn't left it out in the rain so often. Tried to live without it and struggled to get all the BBQ's lit. Was worth the money just to stop my...

Jul 2010

Kundenmeinung (

fantastic and simple it realy is great


this bbq starter is a simple and briliant idea all it takes is two sheets of paper and fifteen minutes later the coals are red hot and ready no more messing about with starter liqiud or fire lighters if this chimney starter lasts 20 bbqs which im...

Jun 2010

Kundenmeinung (

Essential add-on for a charcoal bbq


If you are someone like me who only uses charcoal for that proper barbecue taste, this is a great way to light your charcoal with the minimum of firelighters. Clever design gets charcoal ready for use much quicker that piling it up at the bottom of the...

Jun 2010

Preisvergleich für Weber Chimney BBQ Starter

No prices for this product