Emerson WD1450 Canister Wet/Dry Vacuum

Emerson WD1450 Canister Wet/Dry Vacuum
alaAverage 3.9

7 Tests

Jun 2024

  • Positiv

alaTest hat 7 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Emerson WD1450 Canister Wet/Dry Vacuum zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 3.9/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.2/5 für andere Produkte.


Im Durchschnitt haben Anwender dieses Produkt mit 77/100 bewertet.


(Basierend auf 7 Bewertungen)



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7 Bewertung(en)

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Kundenmeinung (shopping.com)

better than the rest


I'm sure that Craftsman used to make good wet/dry vacs however they don't anymore. I remember my uncle who had one in his garage that was 20 years old and still worked just fine. The one I bought barely lasted a year. The top piece of the vaccuum came...

Suction, quality, fit and finish

ummm it costs money? None I can think of

Nov 2009

Kundenmeinung (epinions.com)

Emerson WD1450 Canister Wet/Dry Vacuum


Powerful vacuum force, quiet operation, good filter, well designed.

Trying to buy parts and/or accessories from Ridgid is a nightmare.

Mär 2007

Kundenmeinung (shopping.com)

Great wet/dry vac, abysmal customer service.


The Craftsman wet/dry vac I owned previously held up for over 25 years, and I'd probably still have it if I could have found a replacement switch for it. But I finally trashed the old one and replaced it with a Ridgid Model WD1450, based largely on its...

Powerful vacuum force, quiet operation, good filter, well designed

Trying to buy parts and/or accessories from Ridgid is a nightmare

Mär 2007

Kundenmeinung (epinions.com)

Great wet/dry vac, abysmal customer service.


The Craftsman wet/dry vac I owned previously held up for over 25 years, and I'd probably still have it if I could have found a replacement switch for it. But I finally trashed the old one and replaced it with a Ridgid Model WD1450, based largely ...

Powerful vacuum force, quiet operation, good filter, well designed.

Trying to buy parts and/or accessories from Ridgid is a nightmare.

Mär 2007

Kundenmeinung (shopping.com)



I bought this after my basement got water in it. I had an old craftsman "screamer" and had wanted a new shop vac for a while. Did some research and come accross this at home depot. Biggest feature is quite, and it is EXTREMELY quite. Very powerful. I...

VERY quite and powerful

slightly heavy, not worth overlooking this product though

Dez 2006

Kundenmeinung (epinions.com)



VERY quite and powerful

slightly heavy, not worth overlooking this product though!

Dez 2006

Kundenmeinung (epinions.com)

Great wet/dry vac, abysmal customer service.


Powerful vacuum force, quiet operation, good filter, well designed.

Trying to buy parts and/or accessories from Ridgid is a nightmare.

Preisvergleich für Emerson WD1450 Canister Wet/Dry Vacuum

No prices for this product

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